
The Oregon Advocacy Award is given annually in recognition of a great advocate for people with mental illness in Oregon.

Pat Risser - 2000
Pat Risser – 2000

The Award is given by the Mental Health Association of Portland in association with its annual Law & Mental Health Conference. Winners are selected by the organization, peer members of the Conference Planning Committee, and peer volunteers for the Conference. The winner is announced prior to the annual Conference, and the award is given at the Conference. Nominations are not accepted.

The Oregon Advocacy Award celebrates the perspective of persons represented by advocacy – persons who have experienced mental illness.

Oregon Advocacy Award Winners

2000 – Pat Risser
2018 – Peer Team at Oregon State Hospital
2019 – Beckie Child, MSW
2020 – Scott Snedecor
2021 – David Oaks
2022 – Angela Kimball