Thank you for considering sponsorship of the Law & Mental Health Conference! We very much appreciate your support. The conference will be on June 4 & 5, 2025.
The Law & Mental Health Conference lifts leading voices on the impact of the law on people with mental illness, addiction, and alcoholism, and sponsorships get the conversation started. Sponsorships support scholarships for people with lived experience to attend the conference. We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities for networking and outreach. Please review the options below to find the sponsorship level that fits your needs.
DOWNLOAD – Law & Mental Health Conference sponsorship flyer
Each attendee receives a 32+ page full-color digital program, with promotional advertisements from sponsors – including embedded videos, presenter bios, and comments from conference planners.
- Unlimited virtual conference registrations for single state department (new for 2025)
- Passcode for self-registration
- Unlimited CEs for registered attendees
- Promotional video up to four minutes in length
- Introduction & Presentation of Keynote Speaker or Session Presenter
- Full-page color ad in the conference digital program
- Agency logo in inter-session slide loop
- Promotional video up to four minutes in length
- Agency name listed on website and recognition in social media and promotional messages
- Ten complimentary conference registrations
- Half-page color ad in the conference digital program
- Agency logo in inter-session slide loop
- Agency name listed on website
- Promotional video up to four minutes in length
- Recognition in social media and promotional messages
- Eight complimentary conference registrations
- Quarter-page color advertisement in the conference digital program
- Agency name listed on the conference website
- Six complimentary conference registrations
To receive a sponsorship invoice, contact the conference coordinator prior to May 1, 2025. All sponsor instructions are included in the invoice.
We expect about 1200 attendees to participate with the recorded and live sessions. Attendees can get up to twelve credits of continuing education through the National Association of Social Workers or the Oregon State Bar.
Mental Health Association of Portland IRS determination letter (PDF) & IRS 2025 W-9 Form (PDF)
Sponsorships can be purchased by check to the Mental Health Association of Portland, PO Box 3641, Portland, Oregon 97208. Request an invoice or send any question to the conference coordinator, Jason Renaud at